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Strawberry Care

Welcome to a Strawberry Care village where those with dementia can live freely and safely in a home which is part of a community. A community which encourages and supports the resident in living their life to the full. A community where they will live with those that share their lifestyle and socialise with those in the village that share their interests, where they can shop, enjoy a meal in the restaurant with their family and friends. Residents can also attend events in the village hall or enjoy the many classes and hobbies within the village, all with the support and guidance of the experienced staff.


Welcome to a new kind of dementia care where residents can just be themselves.

Innovative, but not new

Strawberry Care has worked with the support and close consultancy of the Hogeweyk care village in the Netherlands.  This ground-breaking village became reality in 1992, after care manager Yvonne van Amerongen and Jannette Spiering saw that traditional dementia care was “not what we wanted for our parents” and worked to create a new concept based on freedom, meaning and social life.  It is this vision that Strawberry Care are proud to bring to the UK.

Hear Yvonne’s inspiring talk here :

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